The new lambs Sokka (boy) and Toph (girl)

They are very leggy and fawn-colored and look more like small deer than lambs.  But Badgerface’s twins Scottie and Dottie were very leggy last year, so that seems to be her thing.


Sokka is the paler one on the right and Toph is the darker one right up against Badgerface.


Toph nursing, Sokka jumping in to get his share of the milks.


Post a Pic Tuesday: You have to start somewhere


Here looks to be the place.  That’s simple cedar, in need of repair, along with most of our little homestead, but then one is always facing the endless repair scenario with homesteads.  I hope I can repost this mise en scene after goats have cleaned it up and left only the fencing behind.

Here’s a bit more of our little spot:


The sludgy bit is just a moment after some rain.  The moss is just the way the Pacific Northwest says hello.

And one last one, since there was no way I was gonna only post one pic:


All of the other alders used to laugh and call these guys names.  Alders are local here, and make lovely firewood, especially when coppiced.

This has been Post a Pic Tuesday, just a quick introduction to the soggy brambly mess we hope to turn into a tidy enough homestead supplying us with the necessaries of life such as food and fuel.